Complete 0% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration First Name * Title * ID Number Please enter ID number with no spaces 1 (Max. 13 Characters) Email * HPCSA Reg No Practice Address Surname * Gender Cell No *083 123 4567 VAT Number Please enter VAT number with no spaces Do you provide chronic pain management? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please provide details of chronic pain management: Do you make use of your own anaesthetic-related informed consent form that patients sign? Yes Yes No No None None Back Next Save Progress Complete 7% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration What type of quotation would you like? Claims-made Claims-made Occurrence-based Occurrence-based Both Both None None If you are currently on Claims-made cover, do you require retroactive cover? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please provide details of retroactive cover: Back Next Save Progress Complete 14% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Have you had previous insurance cover for the type of insurance now being proposed? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please provide details of this cover in chronological order in the section below. Insurer Start Date Type of Cover Claims-Made (CM) Claims-Made (CM) Occurrence-Based (OB) Occurrence-Based (OB) None None End Date If CM, please indicate original date of cover What is your current premium per annum for PI cover? Please attach a copy of your current PI schedule (Mandatory if requesting Retroactive Cover) Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files Back Next Save Progress Complete 21% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Qualification Details Degree Obtained Year Achieved 0 (Max. 4 Characters) Name of University Would you like to add another Qualification? Yes Yes No No None None Degree Obtained Year Achieved Numbers, No spaces 0 (Max. 4 Characters) Name of University Degree Obtained Year Achieved Numbers, No spaces 0 (Max. 4 Characters) Name of University Degree Obtained Year Achieved Numbers, No spaces 0 (Max. 4 Characters) Name of University Degree Obtained Year Achieved Numbers, No spaces 0 (Max. 4 Characters) Name of University Additional Training & Affiliation Please indicate any additional training received, including fellowships. Institution Year From Numbers, No spaces 0 (Max. 4 Characters) Name of Programme If you have advanced life support training and certification, what date is this renewable? Certification received (e.g. ATLS, Fellowship Certification) Professional Association or Society Are you a member of any professional association or society? Yes Yes No No None None Back Next Save Progress Complete 28% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Where additional details are required, please supply these in the space provided at the end of this section. 1. Has your professional status or professional role/job changed in the past 12 months? Yes Yes No No None None 2. Have you had any break in clinical practice over the past 5 years? Yes Yes No No None None 3. Has it ever been suggested by your employer, peers and/or third party that you be mentored and/or placed under supervision? Yes Yes No No None None 4. Have you ever been the subject of an inquiry by your employer, a non-regulatory professional body and/or a third party like a hospital or medical scheme? (e.g. following a patient complaint) Yes Yes No No None None 5. Have you ever had conditions imposed on your practice, been suspended or removed from the medical register due to a complaint, inquiry or investigation? Yes Yes No No None None 6. Declined an application, refused renewal or withdrawn cover? Yes Yes No No None None Has any indemnity provider, in respect of the risks to which this application relates to, ever: 1. Imposed an extraordinary increase in premium and/or special conditions, including participation in risk management/educational program? Yes Yes No No None None 2. Declined an indemnity insurance claim by the insured or reduced its liability to pay an insurance claim in full (other than application of an excess)? Yes Yes No No None None 3. Have you ever received a regulatory complaint (e.g. HPCSA, OHSC) letter of demand or summons arising out of your professional practice? Yes (Please specify details in the template provided in Annexure A) Yes (Please specify details in the template provided in Annexure A) No No None None Except for the cases that you have listed above, in the past five years, have you had a patient threaten legal action against you in your professional capacity, received a request for records, received a patient complaints/inquiry via a lawyer, been involved in an inquest or received a subpoena in a medical case? Yes (Please specify details in the template provided in Annexure B) Yes (Please specify details in the template provided in Annexure B) No No None None If there are any other issues and/or concerns that you may reasonably consider to be important and that we should be aware of in recording your professional conduct, please share these below. These should include interactions with foreign regulatory authorities and healthcare systems. Yes Yes No No None None Additional Details Back Next Save Progress Complete 35% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Please provide us with your practice details for the period of insurance for which you are applying. For example, if you are currently a full-time employee in State, but are applying for insurance to cover you in private practice, answer questions in relation to your anticipated private practice. Do you perform any work for the state? Yes (You will be redirected to the “State Employment” section first) Yes (You will be redirected to the “State Employment” section first) No (You will be redirected to the “Private practice” only) No (You will be redirected to the “Private practice” only) Both Both None None Back Next Save Progress Complete 42% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration State Employment Please indicate at which State hospital/clinic you work. Please specify type of State employment: Permanent Staff Permanent Staff Sessional Doctor Sessional Doctor None None If you are a full-time State employee, please specify level of employment: Head of Department Head of Department Consultant Consultant Other Other None None Please Specify Other Level of Employment Name of Hospital/Clinic Name of Hospital/Clinic % of government work performed Numbers Only % of government work performed Numbers Only What is your % split in terms of hours spent between State and Private work? % State Numbers Only % Private Numbers Only Are you planning to enter private practice full-time? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please provide the approximate date for private practice: If you are recently qualified and are entering private practice for the first time, do you have assistance from a senior colleague for complex cases? Yes Yes No No N/A N/A None None If yes, please provide details of assistance: Back Next Save Progress Complete 50% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Please specify type of private practice. Tick all the boxes that are applicable. Solus Private Practice Solus Private Practice Private Practice Partnership Private Practice Partnership Private Group Practice Private Group Practice Associate Associate Locum (Clinical Work) Locum (Clinical Work) Salaried Salaried None None Please indicate name(s) of hospital(s) where you treat patients in a private capacity. Name of Hospital Hospital Group % of Your Private Patients Admitted Per Annum Numbers Only Name of Hospital Hospital Group % of Your Private Patients Admitted Per Annum Numbers Only Name of Hospital Hospital Group % of Your Private Patients Admitted Per Annum Numbers Only Year of first seeing private patients as a specialist: Numbers Only 0 (Max. 4 Characters) Practice Management 1. Will other staff in your practice (i.e., doctors, allied healthcare professionals and/or non-clinical staff) provide clinical services for which you would be vicariously responsible (e.g., nurse providing primary care services, beautician providing laser therapy, doctor employed in your practice)? Yes Yes No No None None 2. Do you employ locums? Yes Yes No No None None 2.1. Do you ensure that they are registered with the HPCSA? Yes Yes No No None None 2.2 Do you ensure that they carry indemnity cover? Yes Yes No No None None 3. Do you have colleagues that cover your practice when you are unavailable, including in the event of an emergency? Yes Yes No No None None 3.1. If yes, please provide their names and describe the business relationship (e.g. call roster, partnership): 3.2. If no, how do you ensure that your patients can access emergency care when you are not available? 3.3. If yes, do they carry indemnity cover? Yes Yes No No Unsure Unsure None None 4. Do you see your in-hospital private patients on a daily basis? Yes Yes No No None None 4.1. If no, who provides this care? 5. Do you provide clinical services in private facilities as part of a State contract or alternative reimbursement model a like capitation agreement? Yes Yes No No None None 5.1. If yes, please provide details: Patient Records 1. Do all your patients sign consent for consultations? Yes Yes No No None None 2. Do all your patients sign consent for surgical procedures, and/or in-theatre treatments? Yes Yes No No None None 3. Who in your practice takes informed consent from patients? 4. What is the current system you use for patient notes? Hard Copy Hard Copy Electronic Electronic None None If electronic, please specify which system you use: 5. What are the procedures in place in your practice for dealing with patient complaints? 6. Do you comply with HPCSA’s guidelines on keeping patient records? Yes Yes No No Unsure Unsure None None 7. Gross annual income in relation to government clinical professional services rendered: Numbers Only 8. Gross annual income in relation to private clinical professional services rendered: Numbers Only 9. Gross annual fees in relation to medico-legal services: Numbers Only Back Next Save Progress Complete 57% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Please attest to the following statement. If you DISAGREE with any of the statements, please provide additional and complete information in the space provided at the end of this section. 1. I have never had my license to practice medicine and/or license to dispense medicines revoked or limited. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree None None 2. I have never been charged or convicted of any criminal offence. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree None None 3. I have never had any hospital privileges restricted, suspended, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, and I am not currently under investigation by any hospital. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree None None 4. I do not perform any procedures that are outside the customary scope of practice for which I am applying for coverage. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree None None 5. I have never been part of forensic audit by a medical scheme and I have never had a payment by a medical scheme reversed for reasons of alleged over-billing/over-servicing. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree None None 6. I have never been declared an “impaired physician” by the HPCSA. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree None None If retro-active cover is required, please also attest to the following and provide additional and complete information at the end of the section. I have notified my current/previous insurer(s) of all the following for the time period for which backdated cover is being requested: 1. Requests for records (for reasons other than processing of RAF or COID applications) from a patient, family member/custodian of a patient, or an attorney. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree N/A N/A None None 2. Letter from an attorney regarding diagnosis, treatments and/or advice that I provided to a patient. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree N/A N/A None None 3. Threat of a legal, including HPCSA, claim against me in my professional capacity, even if such action is without merit. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree N/A N/A None None 4. Any unexplained and/or unusual adverse clinical outcome. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree N/A N/A None None 5. An awareness of a failing or short-coming of my work, or real doubt about my clinical performance or a party for whom I am responsible in the course of my professional activities, which could give rise to a third-party loss. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree N/A N/A None None 6. HPCSA complaints, even if you deem these to be without merit. Agree Agree Disagree Disagree N/A N/A None None Additional Attestation Information: Back Next Save Progress Complete 64% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Profession Please select your profession General Practitioner Dentist Allied Healthcare Practitioner Back Next Save Progress Complete 71% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration General Practitioner International Patients 1. Do you regularly treat international patients who have travelled to receive treatment from you? Yes Yes No No None None 1.1. If yes, how many on average in the past 12 months? 2. List all the mechanisms used, if any, to attract international patients. 3. Will you regularly repatriate patients? Yes Yes No No None None Scope of Practice 1. Please confirm the % breakdown of time spent on professional activities offered by you for which you require cover: 1.1. Activity % Numbers only 1.1. Activity % Numbers only 1.2. Activity % Numbers only 1.5. Activity % Numbers only 1.3. Activity % Numbers only 1.6. Activity % Numbers only Total must equal 100% 2. On average, how many patients will you consult per month? Numbers only 3. Will you conduct participate in clinical trials? Yes Yes No No None None 4. Do you perform Radiofrequency Ablation? Yes Yes No No None None 4.1. If Yes, please provide a copy of your certificate of training and/or list of courses attended. 4.2. Upload Certificate of Training. jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files 5. Do you provide chronic pain management? Yes Yes No No None None 5.1. If Yes, please provide us with details regarding the chronic pain management provided. 6. Do you perform general/spinal/caudal anaesthesia? Yes Yes No No None None 6.1. Please provide details of anaesthetic experience in the public sector. 6.1.A. Public Sector Position Held 6.1.B. Public Sector Position Held 6.1.C. Public Sector Position Held 6.1.A. Year From 6.1.B. Year From 6.1.C. Year From 6.1.A. Year To 6.1.B. Year To 6.1.C. Year To 6.2. Please specify from which year you have been performing anaesthetics in the private sector. 6.3. Do you perform general anaesthesia on children under age 1 year or on pregnant women? Yes Yes No No None None 6.4. Average number of patients treated per annum Numbers Only 7. Do you perform conscious sedation other than in an emergency unit or hospital theatre? Yes Yes No No None None 7.1. Do you perform conscious sedation in your rooms or another practitioner’s rooms? Yes Yes No No None None 7.2. Do you administer the conscious sedation drugs and also perform the conscious sedation procedure? Yes Yes No No None None 7.2.A. If yes, what type of practitioner assists you (e.g. nurse)? 7.3. For which type of procedures do you perform conscious sedation? 7.4. What drug regimen(s) do you use? 7.5. Do you have emergency protocols in place? Yes Yes No No None None 7.6. Do you keep a logbook of all cases? Yes Yes No No None None 7.7. Are the facilities in which you carry out conscious sedation accredited by SOPOSA or COHSASA? Yes Yes No No None None 7.8. Are these facilities equipped with the necessary equipment and drugs required in an emergency? Yes Yes No No None None 7.9. Is resuscitation equipment checked and maintained regularly? Yes Yes No No None None 7.11. Do you perform conscious sedation on children under age 1 year or on pregnant women? Yes Yes No No None None 7.12. Average number of patients treated per annum Numbers Only 7.10.A. If no, in what proximity is the closest ICU? 7.13. Please submit copies of informed consent forms and other documentation such as sedation monitoring chart and post-discharge patient information leaflet that you may be using where you perform conscious sedation. Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files 7.10. Is the facility where sedation takes place within a hospital building with an ICU? Yes Yes No No None None 8. Do you provide emergency services in a private casualty/trauma unit? Yes Yes No No None None 8.1. Please provide details of casualty/trauma unit experience in the public sector. 8.1.A. Public Sector Position Held 8.1.B. Public Sector Position Held 8.1.C. Public Sector Position Held 8.1.A. Year From 8.1.B. Year From 8.1.C. Year From 8.1.A. Year To 8.1.B. Year To 8.1.C. Year To 8.2. Please specify from which year you have been performing emergency services in the private sector. 8.3. Average number of hours per week that emergency services are provided. Numbers Only 9. Do you perform aesthetic/cosmetic procedures e.g., Botox, non-permanent fillers, chemical facial peels, collagen injections, hair transplants without flap surgery, laser therapy, thread lifting, liposuction or sclerotherapy? Yes Yes No No None None 9.1.A. Procedure 9.1.B. % of time spent Numbers Only 9.1.C. No. of years performed Numbers Only 9.1.D. Training & certification incl. years obtained 9.2.A. Procedure 9.2.B. % of time spent Numbers Only 9.2.C. No. of years performed Numbers Only 9.2.D. Training & certification incl. years obtained 9.3.A. Procedure 9.3.B. % of time spent Numbers Only 9.3.C. No. of years performed Numbers Only 9.3.D. Training & certification incl. years obtained 10. Do you perform circumcisions and/or terminations of pregnancy? Yes Yes No No None None 10.1. If yes, please specify 11. Do you perform surgical procedures typically performed within an operating theatre as the primary surgeon e.g., tonsillectomy, appendectomy, vasectomy? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please specify the types of procedures and approximate number per month. 11.1.A. Procedure 11.2.A. Procedure 11.3.A. Procedure 11.1.B. Approx. number per month Numbers Only 11.2.B. Approx. number per month Numbers Only 11.3.B. Approx. number per month Numbers Only 12. Do you provide surgical assistance? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please complete the following: 12.1. Do you assist with obstetric, neurosurgical and spinal or bariatric cases? Yes Yes No No None None 12.1.A. If yes, please specify 12.2. How many surgeons do you assist regularly? Numbers Only 12.3. Is your assistance limited to holding instruments in theatre? Yes Yes No No None None 12.3.A. If no, please provide as much detail as possible (e.g. provide post-operative care, perform surgical closure). 13. Do you perform planned deliveries? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please complete the following: 13.1.A. Public Sector Position Held 13.2.A. Public Sector Position Held 13.3.A. Public Sector Position Held 13.1.B. Year From 13.2.B. Year From 13.3.B. Year From 13.1.C. Year To 13.2.C. Year To 13.3.C. Year To 13.4. Please specify from which year you have been performing deliveries in the private sector. 13.5. Average number of deliveries per annum Numbers Only 13.6. Percentage of deliveries by elective Caesarean Section Numbers Only 14. Do you perform basic pregnancy scans? Yes Yes No No None None 14.1. Do you have an informed consent form that specifies intentions and limitations of the scan? Yes Yes No No None None 14.2. Please provide details of experience and training. 15. Do you offer foetal abnormality screening to patients? Yes Yes No No None None 15.1. If yes, please provide details. 16. Other than clinical services described in your answers, are there any other professional activities like, for example, voluntary work or paid advisory services to companies, for which you may require assistance should an adverse event arise from such activity? Yes Yes No No None None 16.1. If yes, please provide details. 17. Do you practice telemedicine/virtual medicine, defined as the remote diagnosis and treatment of new patients by means of telecommunications technology? Yes Yes No No None None 17.1. If yes, please provide details. 18. Will you do procedures that may be deemed to be experimental (e.g. not generally performed by your colleagues for reasons of limited evidence)? Yes Yes No No None None 18.1. If yes, please provide details. 19. Do you have a field of special interest within your area of practice? Yes Yes No No None None 19.1. If yes, please provide details. Proceed to Last Step for GP's* I am ready to continue I am ready to continue Back Next Save Progress Complete 78% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Dentist 1. Please list the Licensing/Registration Body with which you hold a valid licence/membership: 1.1.A. HPCSA 1.1.B. Registration No 1.1.C. Registration Type 1.1.D. The Date of Your First Registration DD/MM/YYYY 1.2.A. Medical and Dental Board 1.2.B. Registration No 1.2.C. Registration Type 1.2.D. The Date of Your First Registration DD/MM/YYYY 1.3.A. South African Dental Association 1.3.B. Registration No 1.3.C. Registration Type 1.3.D. The Date of Your First Registration DD/MM/YYYY 2. Scope of practice/discipline/area of specialisation (including any sub-specialty details) General Dentistry General Dentistry Oral Hygienist Oral Hygienist Dental Therapist Dental Therapist Dental Assistant Dental Assistant Other Other 2.1. Details 3. Please provide the percentage split of activities if applicable: General Dentistry % Numbers only Anaesthesia/Sedation % Numbers only Oral Surgery % Numbers only Surgical Periodontal Treatment % Numbers only Aesthetics and Cosmetic Dentistry % Numbers only Implantology % Numbers only Orthodontics % Numbers only Other % Numbers only If Other, please specify: Proceed to Last Step for Dentists* I am ready to continue I am ready to continue Back Next Save Progress Complete 85% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration Allied Healthcare Practitioners 1. Area of Healthcare: In what AREA or branches of HEALTHCARE are you qualified and, if applicable, licensed to practice Acupuncture Acupuncture Aromatherapist Aromatherapist Audiologist/Speech Therapist Audiologist/Speech Therapist Ayurveda Ayurveda Biokinenticist Biokinenticist Care Giver Care Giver Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine Chiropractic Chiropractic Cytologist Cytologist Dietician Dietician Homeopathy Homeopathy Medical Physicist Medical Physicist Medical Technologist Medical Technologist Naturopathy Naturopathy Nurse Nurse Sports Scientist Sports Scientist Midwife/Doula/Lactation Midwife/Doula/Lactation Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist Optometrist Optometrist Oral Hygienist/Dental Therapist Oral Hygienist/Dental Therapist Orthotist/Prosthetist Orthotist/Prosthetist Osteopathy Osteopathy Paramedic/Ambulance Attendant Paramedic/Ambulance Attendant Perfusionist Perfusionist Physiotherapist Physiotherapist Podiatrist Podiatrist Psychologist Psychologist Radiographer Radiographer Reflexologist Reflexologist Sexologist Sexologist Sonographer Sonographer None None Other: 2. Patients 2.1. In the last 12 months, how many patients have you consulted with (actual): Numbers only 2.2. Expected number of patients in the next 12 months: Numbers only 2.3. Total number of treatments/sessions/consultations in the last 12 months (actual): Numbers only 2.4. Expected number of treatments/sessions/consultations in the next 12 months: Numbers only 3. Additional Information 3.1. What equipment (if any) is being used to perform treatments: 3.2. What is the age group breakdown of the patients you provide treatment to: 3.3. Do you prescribe and/or supply any products (including medicines, creams etc)? Yes Yes No No None None If yes, please provide: 3.3.A. Product 3.3.A. Use (Internal/External) 3.3.A. Supplier/Producer 3.3.A. Approximate Fees 3.3.B. Product 3.3.B. Use (Internal/External) 3.3.B. Supplier/Producer 3.3.B. Approximate Fees 3.3.C. Product 3.3.C. Use (Internal/External) 3.3.C. Supplier/Producer 3.3.C. Approximate Fees 3.3.D. Product 3.3.D. Use (Internal/External) 3.3.D. Supplier/Producer 3.3.D. Approximate Fees 3.3.E. Product 3.3.E. Use (Internal/External) 3.3.E. Supplier/Producer 3.3.E. Approximate Fees 4. Risk Management - Disposal of Medical Waste 4.1. Are there facilities for safe collection, storage and disposal of (in accordance with current guidelines/legislation): 4.1.A. Sharp Yes Yes No No None None 4.1.B. Dressings, clinical and surgical waste, etc Yes Yes No No None None 4.2. Do you ensure that the following are safely disposed of (in accordance with current guidelines/legislation): 4.2.A. Blood and blood products Yes Yes No No None None 4.2.B. All other waste Yes Yes No No None None Back Next Save Progress Complete 92% 1 Personal Details 2 Quotation Details 3 Previous Insurance Cover 4 Professional Details 5 Professional Claims History 6 Practice Details 7 State Employment 8 Private Practice 9 Attestation 10 Non-Specialist Specific Questions 11 General Practitioner 12 Dentist 13 Allied Healthcare Practitioners 14 Declaration I/We the undersigned duly authorised person(s) declare that: I am/we are authorised by each of the Insureds to sign this Proposal Form. The above statements are correct, true and complete. No information material to this Proposal Form has been withheld. I/we have read the important facts which you have put before me/us and I/we understand the advice given in relation to the duty of disclosure. I/we have diligently made all necessary and detailed enquiries in order to comply with the duty of disclosure. Apart from what is disclosed in this document, I/we are not aware of any request for records being made by a patient, family member of a patient, or an attorney nor have I/we received a letter from an attorney regarding treatment which was provided to a patient. Apart from what is disclosed in this document, I/we are not aware of any circumstance which might reasonably lead to a claim or suit being lodged against me, regardless of whether I/we view that suit to be without merit. I/we understand that no insurance is in force until such time as the Insurer has confirmed acceptance of the proposed insurance. I/we undertake to inform the Insurer of any material alteration to these facts occurring before completion of the contract of insurance. I/we acknowledge that the Insurer relies on the information and representations in this Proposal Form and otherwise made by me/us in relation to this insurance. I/we acknowledge that the signing of this proposal form binds neither myself to accept the subsequent quote, nor does it bind the Insurer to accept the proposal. It is agreed that all written statements and attachments furnished to the Insurer in conjunction with this proposal are hereby incorporated by reference into this proposal and made part thereof. Except where indicated to the contrary, I/we understand that any statement made in this Proposal Form will be treated by the Insurer as a statement made by all persons to be insured. I Agree* Yes Yes First Name * Surname * Date * Submit Back Next Save Progress
If yes, please provide details of this cover in chronological order in the section below.
Please indicate any additional training received, including fellowships.
Where additional details are required, please supply these in the space provided at the end of this section.
Has any indemnity provider, in respect of the risks to which this application relates to, ever:
Please provide us with your practice details for the period of insurance for which you are applying. For example, if you are currently a full-time employee in State, but are applying for insurance to cover you in private practice, answer questions in relation to your anticipated private practice.
Please indicate at which State hospital/clinic you work.
What is your % split in terms of hours spent between State and Private work?
Please indicate name(s) of hospital(s) where you treat patients in a private capacity.
Please attest to the following statement. If you DISAGREE with any of the statements, please provide additional and complete information in the space provided at the end of this section.
If retro-active cover is required, please also attest to the following and provide additional and complete information at the end of the section.
I have notified my current/previous insurer(s) of all the following for the time period for which backdated cover is being requested:
International Patients
Scope of Practice
1. Please confirm the % breakdown of time spent on professional activities offered by you for which you require cover:
Total must equal 100%
6.1. Please provide details of anaesthetic experience in the public sector.
8.1. Please provide details of casualty/trauma unit experience in the public sector.
If yes, please specify the types of procedures and approximate number per month.
If yes, please complete the following:
1. Please list the Licensing/Registration Body with which you hold a valid licence/membership:
1.1.A. HPCSA
1.2.A. Medical and Dental Board
1.3.A. South African Dental Association
3. Please provide the percentage split of activities if applicable:
2. Patients
3. Additional Information
If yes, please provide:
4. Risk Management - Disposal of Medical Waste
4.1. Are there facilities for safe collection, storage and disposal of (in accordance with current guidelines/legislation):
4.2. Do you ensure that the following are safely disposed of (in accordance with current guidelines/legislation):
I/We the undersigned duly authorised person(s) declare that:
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